Friday, September 7, 2007

Planing Legs and Completion of Photo Story

This morning Greg and I continued on with our Photo Story based on the electric planer. After completing it, Paul and Tim viewed our photo story, and although it was very entertaining and funny, found that it would not be acceptable as a final product. After this we joined the rest of the class and began hand planing down our legs for the saw horse.
This was quite a challenging process but became much easier when i discovered that everyone else had used a sliding bevel to get the right angle on the wood. I corrected one of my legs but it became too thin so Paul placed all of the legs through the Thicknesser at a height of 77mm. I then began marking out the angled feet of the legs. By using a bevel on the pre-made saw horse, i obtained the angle of the feet. I placed the legs in the vice one by one and started sawing them.
After Lunch Greg and I changed our photo story to a more tamed down version. We used the same pictures as before so it still retained that funny side that greg and i had planned for.


goddy said...

Rob Its great to read your feed back and some times i wonder how your retain all of this information
good work Rob
note when you are a perfectionist
it can slow you down the art is to find the happy medium this does happen overnite

goddy said...

Rob I meant doesnt happen overnite