Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Today i fully completed my saw horse. I first began the day by marking out where i was going to place the screws on the legs, after which i pre drilled out the holes. Once i had done tis i used PVA wood glue and put it in te rebate on the spreader. After this i then placed my leg into the rebate and pressed firmly to get it into the right positiont. I then screwed down my first screwt hold it in place, followed by the other three screws. I put my legs on one at a time to avoid using clamps, which were ineffective because of the angles of the legs to the spreader.
Once all four legs were put on i placed a piece of 140 x 19mm onto the back of the legs and marked out the cleat. I quickly tenon sawed the two cleats and fixed them to the legs, following the same method of marking out i used on the legs.
After the cleats were completed i planed down the edges of them to be flush with the legs producing a nice neat finish. Then i moved onto te bearer, the piece of wood that sits ontop of the spreader and exposed tops of the legs. As i was marking out the bearer it occurred to Paul and i that because of how short my saw horse was, it would be better to use a wider piece of wood for the bearer. This was because the height of the saw horse was perfect for sitting on and for using as a small step up platform. We chose a piece of 170 x 35mm as the bearer. I used 5 75mm screws and glue to fix the bearer to the spreader and once it was completed i was very pleased with the way it turned out, it is a perfect size to sit on comfortably and also is the right height to be comfortably used as a small step platform.

1 comment:

goddy said...

Rob dont forget mon & tusedays imput