Thursday, January 24, 2008

Joists and Sheet Flooring

This morning we got stuck in and worked quite effectively, nailing in the rest of the joists onto the bearers. We achieved this by aligning the ends of the joists along the string line we had set up the day before. As we already had in the double must joists at either end of the building we measured in incriments of 450mm and marked the bearers, this way we could place the joists on and nail them in at 450 centres. The hand nailing, i found, was quite easy and enjoyable, and also good practice. We nailed either end of the joists at 450 and then measured out the middle spacings of the joists, that way we could take out any bending in the joists and make them all parallel with each other.
After this we moved on to putting on the sheet flooring. The sheet flooring was 22mm particle board with tongue and groove fittings. We put a 3.6m x 1.2m sheet on the corner and made sure it was square with the sting line, that we previously used to aling the ends of the joists. We screwed it on only using 4 screws so that we can easily dismantle later. With the other sheets we staggered the joints in the particle boards for greater strength, with one end of a sheet budding up against the other, with both sheets having the same contact with the supporting joist. So we had 22.5mm contact on the end of the 45mm joist.

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