Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Monday. On Monday we watched three videos on how to install (hang) a door frame and door. The door frame is called a jamb and consists of two vertical pieces (stiles) and a top piece called a head. The oustide of the frame, once installed is framed with an architrave, which neatly finishes up the border of the door and wall lining. One side of the jamb that is to have the hinges fitted onto it, is levelled using a straight edge and a spirit level. Once it is nicely levelled, an assortment of different thickness packers is used to neatly fill out and support the stile against the stud of the wall frame. The head is also secured level, thus giving a perfect 90 degree corner and level side to work off when hanging the door.
The video involved all the nescessary steps in hanging a door, i found it very thorough and the video clips used were well shot and accompanied the voice over nicely. The voice over was spoken smoothly and at an even pace allowing easy following by the listener, which made it easy for me to draw up small diagrams and write notes as i watched. I felt i learnt quite a bit about hanging a door from these videos and upon watching them again i feel even more knowledge would sink in. The music was hell gay hahaha.
After this we researched information on how to hang a door on the internet. At times we have struggled to find adequate information on the net but this time i found the research exercise very worthwhile. There were quite a few sites that had easy to follow, step by step instructions accompanied by informative diagrams and/or pictures. By reading through different sites i learnt that there are numerous different ways in how to hang a door. Some of the sites showed some key points of hanging a door that the video tape we watched previously, didn't have such as checking whether the floor was level as it affected the gap at the top of the door.
We then began making our jambs and installing them into the stud wall frame of our small house that we had built previously. I really enjoyed installing the jamb in our small house as its outside and the boys and i feel a great sense of pride and accomplishment in our final product we had constructed. This made for a good atmosphere to install our jambs in.
Installing the jambs was quite a difficult task and required quite a bit of problem solving. Using the packers to pack out the sides of the jambs against the stud walls was hard and as you packed and checked the level, sometimes packing accurately would throw out another part along the length of the stile. Other information on how i made and installed the jamb is in our construction sequence that i wrote.
I found Monday to be a great start to the week, in the morning, due to a phone call from Bernie, Paul was away for 15mins or so, so we had time to catch up with we were doing outside of work. But also i felt the Paul had a great set out of tasks for the day that kept everyone focused and enthused in what they were doing. The practical is an excellent balance during the day to the computer work and watching the videos.

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