Friday, August 31, 2007

Safety Signs

The blue signs located around the work shop signify that a certain piece of personal safety equipment must be worn. In this picture to the left it shows that it is mandatory to wear ear muffs and eye protection.

31st of August Housing Joints and Bridle Joints

Today we continued on with cutting and fitting different types of joints from sheet plans. After the halving joints yesterday, i commenced housing joints. I, as well as a couple of others, found it difficult to get the cuts and joins right today, which was very frustrating. I had to repeat the second housing joint three times until i had gotten it done well enough, and even then it wasn't satisfying.

After struggling through the housing joints and in the end doing only a half reasonable job, i decided to move onto the bridle joints, which appeared to be much more difficult. The first end angled bridle joint definitely made me think on how to set it out and where to cut, which made me work alot slower. I think moving onto a new project and taking my time helped me to achieve a much better job, which i felt much more satisfied. I got more tips from Paul once i had cooled down, and found these really helpful especially using the mortise guage where the two cutting lines down the center of wood was required.

I found today challenging but nonetheless educational.

Sharpening Chisels

Today as part of our practical learning in the carpentry workshop we learnt how to sharpen chisels on the stationary electric grinder, which had a dry grinding wheel. Sharpening the chisels made a significant impact on how well the chisels cut and the final finish on the joins.

1. First of all a blunt chisel, which is easily identified by the difficulty to cut or shave the wood, is taken to the grinding wheel.
2. When using the grind wheel it is important to wear safety glasses and/or have the perspex protective visor, that is attached to the grinder, placed inbetween the operators eyes and the grinding of the chisel. This is to avoid damage to the eyes because of small flying metal sparks.
3. The chisel is then observed to check for any chips taken out of the end of the chisel or if the chisels end is not square.
4.If this is so, the chisel is slowly pushed up to the grinding wheel with the edge of the chisel parallel to the grinding surface and ground until the end is square and/or all chips are removed from the edge.
5. Once this is done, the chisel is then turned upside down by simply turning the chisel as you would a screw driver, 180 degrees. The chisel should then be flat all the way up to the edge with the angle on the bottom.
6. The chisel is then slowly pushed towards the grinding wheel with the angled surface completely in touch with the grinding wheel. This grinds the angled surface down blade edge becomes sharper.
7. As you grind the chisel, move it side to side twice and then place in the water to cool the metal off and avoid burning, which is visible by the metal turning blue.
8. Once the chisel is satisfactorily ground down and the edge sharp, the chisel is then ground down on an oil stone with the flat surface being ground first. After it is smooth, then the angled edge is ground with particular care taken to keep the angle the same.
9. When the flat surface edge begins to bur outwards, you then repeat the first step of grinding the flat surface down until smooth.
10. Always keep the flat side of the chisel perfectly flat.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

31/08/07 Thursday

Today we had the majority of our day in N block in the carpentry workshop area. I veiwed this as a great oppurtunity to utilise my limited knowledge of hand tools and to learn much more of the finer details of making more precise finishes on timber work. The project set out was a piece of timber with 4 adjoining pieces of timber, each joint to the main piece with a different halving joint.
I enjoyed the day actually making something and found Paul to be very easy going, relaxed and very open to giving us tips and instructions on how to make the joints. I learnt a great deal on how to use tenon saw much more effectively, which i very pleased with because myself and others in the class were struggling to achieve precise cuts. It was a good day to just get involved in using tools that i don't usually use, learning tips to further increase the accuracy of my sawing and chiselling.


Today we commenced our introduction to using hand tools at TAFE. Paul set out a plan for each of us, which was a diagram with measurements for constructing four different types of halving joints, an end halving joint, a stopped halving joint, a T-halving joint and a dovetail halving joint.
1. Paul showed us the timber we were to be using to construct the halving joints, which were 60x30mm lengths of timber.
2. Next I observed the measurements and chose a length of timber that would be suitable for as the main piece of wood that would have four other shorter lengths joined to it via the halving joints.
3. After this, using a sharp pencil and a square, i measured and marked out the lines i needed to cut out for the joints. Any cross sections of the pencil lines that marked a piece of wood that would become an off-cut would be marked with a cross to signify which pieces wouldn't be needed.
4. I then started sawing using a tenon saw with my index finger of my hand gripping the handle, running parallel to the blade, which gives greater lateral control of the saw. Also Paul instructed us to use long drawn out strokes of the saw to give a more accurate cut.
5. Any off-cuts at this point were to be thrown in the bin to make sure no accidents occurred due to left over pieces of timber.
6. Once all cuts on the main piece of timber were complete, i moved onto cutting the adjoining piece of timber, following the same steps as before.
7. Once both the main piece of timebr and the adjoining piece of timber are cut properly, i would then check to see how the fit was coming along.
8. Generally the cuts weren't accurate enough so i would then use the chisel to carefully (on the first end halving joint) shave the housing down, sighting and checking the fit as i would go as to make sure i did not take too much wood off.
9. Whilst using the chisel it is imperative to cut away from the body and two have both hands either on the handle of the chisel, or have one hand away from the blade of the chisel, to avoid any injuries due to slipping.
10. Next, once i was satisfied with the fit i would put the pieces together and clamp them tight in the vice on the edge of work table. From here i used the manual planer and planed down overhang of the adjoining piece of timber.
11. When using the planer Paul instructed me to plane diagonally across the wood because of the way the end grain behaves to being planed, this way it gave a much neater cut and did not cause chipping on the ends of the wood.
12. After planing had taken the wood down far enough i used a cork sanding block with 100 grit sanding paper, to sand down the timber with a nice finishing flush fit.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


28/08/07 Tuesday
In the morning today we had a maths class with Sue doing large adding sums such as 451
+ 367
These were rather easy and i breezed through them. After this we progressed to some large multiplications using only pen and paper. I found this a great refresher on how to do large multiplcations such as 399 x 407. The maths i found engaging because i knew how to do them but it was a challenge to work through them and acquire the right answer. The only down side was that the class did start out a bit slow with Sue asking questions about how we felt about maths, which i found rather irrelevant and made it hard for the class as a whole to take seriously, other than that Sue performed well once we had got started, she just let us do our own thing and helped out when help was required.

During the transition period between morning and afternoon, Paul gave us a power point presentation on what employers are looking for in employees. Although it was a good presentation and Paul spoke clearly and confidently, and i found it easy to engage, i thought it wasn't really nescessary.

After this we proceeded to discussing teamwork, the definition of it and the key components that are required for good teamwork. This went well and Paul engaged the whole class by asking questions and made it into a relaxed discussion that i feel clearly communicated the key points of the lesson. The real highlight of the day was when we got to build a structure out of straws and masking tape, that was required to hold a 2.5kg packet of bottled water. This allowed us to do what we do best and use our hands and brainstorm with each other. Having being split up into two teams also gave us motivation to outdo the other team in some friendly competition, which we sadly lost hahaha. Overall a much better day than yesterday.


Definition of Teamwork: A group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal, generally by overcoming an opponent or obstacle.

Good Teamwork consists of: Cooperation

A common goal



and Communication

To excersise our knowledge of teamwork we were separatedc into two teams of 3 with a goal of constructing a structure out of masking tape and straws that could hold a 2.5kg packet of bottle water. First of all we had to plan how we were going to go about it. Our team decided that building large poles of around 16 straws tightly binded with tape, braced with bracers made of 8 straws bound together, and then finally a large flat platform with diagonal bracers across the bottom, on the top.

At first our tower collapsed to one side when the water bottles were placed ontop but after adding one more brace diagonally across the bottom of the large poles, it was able to support the weight without distorting and breaking. I lost $5 in a bet....

Monday, August 27, 2007

What employers want.

Steven Cook:
Steven Cook gained experience in building by doing work with his father after he finished year 9, the work he did was tiling and painting. During this he gained enthusiasm for these trades and a desire to go further with his career.
When looking at hiring an apprentice he looks for decent writing skills on an application form, a desire to learn and he emphasised greatly, a passion for a particular trade.

Ray Hall:
When looking at hiring an apprentice, key factors that influence his decision are whether the applicant has a keen knowledge of of maths and drawing, experience in the industry of boiler making or completion or enrolment in a pre-apprenticeship course, being polite and well dressed, punctuality and self discipline.

Rod Slater:
Rod was a high school drop out at 13, after which time he simply went around door knocking asking for an apprenticeship in car mechanics. From a very young age he was excited by cars and knew that cars were going to become his career pathway, which most probably influenced his decision to leave high school so early. When he was first employed it became evident to Rod and his employer that his reading, writing, maths and other skills gained in school were dissatisfactory for him to excell in his chosen career so he chose to go to night school where he had a "love affair". In 1971 he created Euro cars in 1971.
When looking for an apprentice he likes to have a meeting with the applicants parents most probably as a background and personality check, they show pride in their work. One key thing he was insistent on was that apprentices own up for their mistakes as this shows they are keen to learn and to acquire a greater understanding of the processes involved in the skill. Also he is against the use of the drugs as he believes that if " you do drugs, drugs do you, and they will destroy everything you aspire to be".


Don't Hunt what you can't kill.

Van Damme makes his exciting return to the big screen in this all action thriller where he must defeat a madman who sells the right to hunt down ex-army bums to wealthy business men who want to kill some shit. Things all change when Van Damme becomes emotionally involved with a woman whose father was one of the men shot to death, and he has to come face to face with problems he had with his own father. Can Van Damme not only overcome the most deadly adversary yet but also overcome his shattered past? One thing is for sure, Van Damme will be a Hard Target to hunt down.


This is to the Rats