Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Definition of Teamwork: A group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal, generally by overcoming an opponent or obstacle.

Good Teamwork consists of: Cooperation

A common goal



and Communication

To excersise our knowledge of teamwork we were separatedc into two teams of 3 with a goal of constructing a structure out of masking tape and straws that could hold a 2.5kg packet of bottle water. First of all we had to plan how we were going to go about it. Our team decided that building large poles of around 16 straws tightly binded with tape, braced with bracers made of 8 straws bound together, and then finally a large flat platform with diagonal bracers across the bottom, on the top.

At first our tower collapsed to one side when the water bottles were placed ontop but after adding one more brace diagonally across the bottom of the large poles, it was able to support the weight without distorting and breaking. I lost $5 in a bet....

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