Tuesday, August 28, 2007


28/08/07 Tuesday
In the morning today we had a maths class with Sue doing large adding sums such as 451
+ 367
These were rather easy and i breezed through them. After this we progressed to some large multiplications using only pen and paper. I found this a great refresher on how to do large multiplcations such as 399 x 407. The maths i found engaging because i knew how to do them but it was a challenge to work through them and acquire the right answer. The only down side was that the class did start out a bit slow with Sue asking questions about how we felt about maths, which i found rather irrelevant and made it hard for the class as a whole to take seriously, other than that Sue performed well once we had got started, she just let us do our own thing and helped out when help was required.

During the transition period between morning and afternoon, Paul gave us a power point presentation on what employers are looking for in employees. Although it was a good presentation and Paul spoke clearly and confidently, and i found it easy to engage, i thought it wasn't really nescessary.

After this we proceeded to discussing teamwork, the definition of it and the key components that are required for good teamwork. This went well and Paul engaged the whole class by asking questions and made it into a relaxed discussion that i feel clearly communicated the key points of the lesson. The real highlight of the day was when we got to build a structure out of straws and masking tape, that was required to hold a 2.5kg packet of bottled water. This allowed us to do what we do best and use our hands and brainstorm with each other. Having being split up into two teams also gave us motivation to outdo the other team in some friendly competition, which we sadly lost hahaha. Overall a much better day than yesterday.

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