Thursday, August 30, 2007

31/08/07 Thursday

Today we had the majority of our day in N block in the carpentry workshop area. I veiwed this as a great oppurtunity to utilise my limited knowledge of hand tools and to learn much more of the finer details of making more precise finishes on timber work. The project set out was a piece of timber with 4 adjoining pieces of timber, each joint to the main piece with a different halving joint.
I enjoyed the day actually making something and found Paul to be very easy going, relaxed and very open to giving us tips and instructions on how to make the joints. I learnt a great deal on how to use tenon saw much more effectively, which i very pleased with because myself and others in the class were struggling to achieve precise cuts. It was a good day to just get involved in using tools that i don't usually use, learning tips to further increase the accuracy of my sawing and chiselling.

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